Tuesday, February 20, 2007


For the past 12 or so years I have been having problems with my health and the Drs have done this test and that test and no one knew what was going on. They have even told me it was all in my head, but it was hormonal. Okay, that really helps. They have checked my thyroid I don’t how many times. Okay let me start at the beginning to paint a big picture. After I had my middle child the Dr. put me on the Depoe shot. I gained a lot of weight. I was bigger than I was when I was pregnant. The Dr. said I was allergic to the shot. When I didn’t loose weight they checked my thyroid. I felt bloated and pregnant. When JB was almost 3 I got pregnant with KB. After I had her I lost back down to my normal size. I started having more problems which we knew was female, but didn’t know exactly what. In 2001 they did a partial hysterectomy. In 5 weeks I gained 60lbs. The Dr. said that it wasn’t my thyroid so my ovaries must have gone in shock. Nobody believed that all I was eating and drinking was Jell-O and water. I kept on pushing even thou I knew something was wrong with me, but it seemed like no one was listening. My body got to the point where it was shutting down. One Dr. said she must have narcolepsy, the other Dr. said it is hormonal, but did nothing and the other Dr. sent me to a Physiatrist and he said it was all in my head. He also said it could be hormonal. He took me off work. At the age 30 I kept crying and saying things like…. I’m too young to feel this old, why doesn’t anybody listen and so on and so on. I was put on my disability about 5 years ago and really don’t know for what. I just knew that there was something wrong. Last December they took out my ovaries. They have checked my heart because of my swelling and it was healthy. I got to point where I stopped complaining. The last 2 months I have been on a diet and exercise and gained almost 15 lbs. I just started crying. My husband and I watched a program and this lady was having some of the same problems. But I didn’t know exactly what to do. Well, the other day my little girl told my momma that she had pinched my boob and I cried because they were sore. My momma told me I shouldn’t be having soreness and I told her I felt pregnant and at the same time like I was fixing to start my period. My momma told me, Katie you have had your ovaries out; you shouldn’t be feeling this way. I went to my new family Dr. and told him, thinking he wouldn’t do anything, but it was worth a shot. He shocked me! He asked how many times you have had your thyroid checked. I told him more times than I can count. He said, I hate it’s took so long for you to go through what you have been going through and I’m going to send you to a gland Dr and get to the bottom of this and hopefully get you to finally feeling normal. Finally someone listen to me and I’m not crazy! LOL! I can’t wait till I go to this Dr. to find out what’s wrong. I finally have a chance of feeling normal. As soon as I find out I will repost an update.


Ami said...

Oh Kitten! I'm so glad you finally found someone who will listen to you. It just makes me so angry when doctors think we women have little problems all in our head... makes me want to go postal and show them just exactly what kind of problems. Ha. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I just popped on to your site and read this post. It made me think of something I read a long time ago that I thought you might be interested to read. There is a lot out there about the depo shot causing some of your health issues. Hope this isn't too forward. Here is the link about how one woman found wellness. I eat high raw but by no means 100%


kitten said...

Nina, thank you soooooo much! I go to the gland DR. in April, so this gives me time to check this out in detail.