Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Yesterday and Saturday was very wonderful and peaceful. Saturday I finished filling up our new pool for the kids and while I was doing that I weed-eated the yard. After the kids played for a few hours in the pool we went to my mom's to take her mother's day present and clean out most of her flower beds. (I guess the kids and I will go back this week and finish her flower beds since she isn't able and she is stroking over how awful they look, Plus part of homeschooling right now has to do with taking care of gardens). After that My husband , little girl and I went to his momma's for a visit while our boys went on a spend a night. While we were waiting on her to get home we stopped by Bask in Robbin's and got a Reece's peanut butter sundae. (Them things are almost heaven!) LOL! After we left her house we went to Pizza Hut for super. Sunday started off a little slow but I'm not going to complain about that. When KB and I got home from church the boys came home and spent all day working in our yard. Boy! Does it ever look so much better. After we got through with yard we all took a swim and then my husband put some steaks on the grill. When the steaks were done we all came in got baths and eat. Then my middle child decided since they haven't gave me a physical present he would make me a cake. It was kinda funny, he wanted to do it all by himself without me and I let him. After he had mixed the mix for 2 mins he came in and said, momma the cake is too runny. I went to go check and started asking him questions of what exactly he had done. I thought he would be fine without me since I help them all the time, but bless his heart he read the water as 1 and 1 1/3 but it was 1 1/3. I tried really hard not to laugh and told him to get out the other cake mix and we would do 2 cakes. So I showed him his mistake but assured him it was okay and told him it just showed me I was double blessed and loved. So, that was my mother's day week end. Kinda laid back, in the yard instead of the house and fun, but now I have got to get the kids and myself back motivated to finish remodeling the house. HA! Joy! Joy! Happy Happy! Joy!, but it will be so nice to get my house back together.


Ami said...

I need some weeds pulled. Send those kids over right away!

Glad you had a nice, quiet Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated momma's day to you!!
Love the cake story, you all will pass that one on for years.

kitten said...

Well, thank you sweets! Now that was a surprise.